Our Service


Milk production is far different from years past. The world now demands greater transparency in process, superior efficiency with production and the highest quality of results. The global push to reduce reliance on antibiotics in production animals requires the modern farmer in New Zealand to focus on early detection and prevention rather than reactive treatments.

The PureMilk programme provides experienced independent guidance for the best management over mastitis. With careful insight and advice a precise action plan unique to the farmer is developed. We identify the key risk areas and set out a structured plan for you to manage the mastitis on your farm.

We assess the entire milking process to ensure purity of product, including milking machine function, herd factors and milking techniques. At this time we also establish if a monthly or bi-monthly assessment is necessary in order to check key parameters such as teat condition, teat end damage and milk-out.

The issues we uncover are likely to fall into two broad categories:

  • Equipment issues vary from relatively simple remedies to capital expenditure requirements for upgrades, repairs or maintenance.
  • People and process issues depend on the attitudes and understanding of the farm management and the milking team. We educate staff at all levels so they understand the importance of the role they play in mastitis management.

It is not about selling drugs or equipment. It is about expert analysis of every detail and careful monitoring of every improvement – all to the greater advantage of the farmer, the processor and the New Zealand dairy industry as a whole.